Bill No. | Short Title | Sponsors | Date Introduced | Related Bills | Description |
Count Every Vote Act of 2007 | Clinton [VIEW ALL] |
March 7, 2007 [VIEW STATUS] |
H.R. 1381 | Among other things, this omnibus election reform bill would restore federal voting rights to people with felony convictions upon completion of incarceration time, parole, and probation, and states would be permitted to enact less restrictive felon re-enfranchisement laws. It would also require states to notify ex-offenders of their eligibility. |
Ex-Offenders Voting Rights Act of 2007 | Rangel [VIEW ALL] |
February 5, 2007 [VIEW STATUS] |
This bill would restore voting rights to people with felony convictions post-incarceration and post-parole or -probation. States are allowed to restore voting rights to people with felony convictions on less restrictive terms. | |
H.R. 1381 [VIEW BILL TEXT] |
Count Every Vote Act of 2007 | Tubbs Jones [VIEW ALL] |
March 7, 2007 [VIEW STATUS] |
S. 804 | Among other things, this omnibus election reform bill would restore federal voting rights to people with felony convictions upon completion of incarceration time, parole, and probation, and states would be permitted to enact less restrictive felon re-enfranchisement laws. It would also require states to notify ex-offenders of their eligibility. |
Felon Re-enfranchisement Legislation in the 110th Congress
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