Kimberley D. Harris
Executive Vice President, General Counsel, NBCUniversal

Christine A. Varney
Partner, Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP
Robert A. Atkins
Partner, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton, & Garrison LLP
Leslie Bhutani
Maggie Blackhawk
Professor, NYU School of Law
Adam B. Cox
Professor, NYU School of Law
Kimberly Davis
Managing Director, AB Bernstein
Les Fagen
Retired Partner, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP
Sibyl Frankenburg
Danielle C. Gray
Executive Vice President, Global Public Policy, UnitedHealth Group
Vanita Gupta
Distinguished Scholar in Residence, NYU School of Law
Helen Hershkoff
Professor, NYU School of Law
Thomas M. Jorde
Professor Emeritus, University of California, Berkeley, School of Law
Steven Kersten
President and CEO of WaterSaver Faucet Co.
Daniel F. Kolb
Senior Counsel, Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP
Ruth Lazarus
Troy McKenzie
Dean and Cecelia Goetz Professor of Law, NYU School of Law
Trevor Morrison
Eric M. and Laurie B. Roth Professor of Law, Dean Emeritus, NYU School of Law and Counsel at Hecker Fink LLP
Melissa Murray
Professor, NYU School of Law
Wendy Neu
Chairman and CEO, Hugo Neu Corporation
Franz Paasche
Executive Vice President for Public Affairs and Communications, Columbia University
Steven A. Reiss, General Counsel
Retired Partner, Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
Stephen Schulhofer
Professor, NYU School of Law
Emily Spitzer
President, The Bernard and Anne Spitzer Charitable Trust
Gerald Torres
Professor of Environmental Justice, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies
Michael Waldman
President, Brennan Center for Justice
Adam Winkler
Professor, UCLA School of Law
Kenji Yoshino
Professor, NYU School of Law
Lawrence Pedowitz, Chair Emeritus
Retired Partner, Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz
Nancy Brennan, (1949–2022)
Consultant, Nonprofit Management and Fundraising
Patricia Bauman
President, Bauman Foundation
Gail Furman, (1946–2019)