Bill No. | Short Title | Sponsors | Date Introduced | Related Bills | Description |
S. 17 | Voting Opportunity and Technology Enhancement Rights Act of 2005 | Dodd | January 24, 2005 | Among other things, this bill would allow voter registration applicants to submit affidavits attesting to citizenship and age in lieu of checking the age and citizenship boxes on the voter registration form. Additionally, this bill would require states to establish a way for individuals to access and submit voter registration forms online. | |
S. 414 | Voter Protection Act of 2005 | McConnell | February 17, 2005 | Among other things, this bill would amend the meaning of “in person” registration to refer only to an individual registering to vote before an officer or employee of a State or local government entity and prohibit states from accepting voter registration forms submitted (1) by a person other than the person whose name appears on the form; and (2) more than 3 days after the registrant signed it. The bill prohibits states from processing a voter registration form if the individual does not check the citizenship and age boxes on the voter registration form, even if the individual affirms his eligibility elsewhere on the form. | |
S. 450 | Count Every Vote Act of 2005 | Clinton | February 17, 2005 | H.R. 939 | This is an omnibus election reform bill that seeks to address a number of election administration problems that arose in the 2004 federal elections. Among other things, this bill would require states to accept and process voter registration applications regardless of technical mistakes or omissions, so long as there is no material omission or information to suggest that a registrant is ineligible to vote. |
H.R. 533 | Voting Opportunity and Technology Enhancement Rights Act of 2005 | Conyers | February 2, 2005 | The provisions of this election reform bill are very similar to those in S. 17 and would address many election administration problems in the same way. | |
H.R. 939 | Count Every Vote Act of 2005 | Jones | February 17, 2005 | S. 450 | This omnibus election reform bill seeks to address a number of election administration problems that arose in the 2004 federal elections. The provisions of this bill are similar to those in S. 450. |
H.R. 2250 | Valuing Our Trust in Elections Act | Green | May 11, 2005 | H.R. 5776 | Among other things, this bill would require anyone who distributes more than 10 voter registration forms to provide their contact information and organizational information to voter registration applicants they assist and attest that applicants presented current, valid, government-issued photo ID with their current address. It prohibits anyone with a felony conviction from registering voters. |
H.R. 3094 | Secure America’s Vote Act of 2005 | Hoyer | June 28, 2005 | Among other things, this bill would require the EAC to revise the mail-in voter registration form to emphasize the citizenship requirement. It also prohibits states from rejecting voter registration applications due to errors that the state can correct with reasonable effort. |
H.R. 3910 | Verifying the Outcome of Tomorrow’s Elections Act of 2005 | Feeney | September 27, 2005 | Among other things, this bill would prohibit per form payment to anyone who distributes or collects voter registration forms. | |
H.R. 4225 | Victims of Violence Confidentiality Act of 2005 | DeLauro | November 3, 2005 | This bill would require states to keep the addresses of victims of domestic violence confidential on statewide voter registration lists. In order to obtain this protection, voters must provide official documentation or sign an affidavit. | |
H.R. 4989 | Electoral Fairness Act of 2006 | Holt | March 16, 2006 | Among other things, this bill would require states to “act under the presumption that applicants should be registered.” It would require states to accept voter registration applications so long as they contain all of the information required on the national mail-in voter registration form or other State-developed voter registration form. | |
H.R. 5776 | Voter Bounty Registration Act of 2006 | Pearce | July 12, 2006 | This bill would establish standards for the distribution of voter registration forms. It would prohibit people who are not registered in the State or have a felony conviction in any State from distributing voter registration forms. Additionally, it would require individuals who assist others to register to vote to sign and print their names and provide contact information for themselves and any organization they are working for on the voter registration forms prior to submitting those forms to election officials. Failure to comply with these provisions would render both the individuals and the organizations liable. |
Voter Registration Legislation in the 109th Congress
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