Grassroots Democracy Act
The Grassroots Democracy Act is federal small donor matching fund legislation for congressional elections.
The Grassroots Democracy Act is federal public financing legislation introduced by Representative John Sarbanes (D-MD). It aims to amplify the voices of small donors in congressional and presidential elections by matching contributions up to $100 with public funds. The program would match small contributions at supercharged 10–1 ratio for candidates who agree to abide by a $100 contribution limit and at a 5–1 ratio for those who abide by the normal contribution limit.
The legislation also would provide taxpayers with a $25 tax credit to help voters make small contributions to participating candidates and additional payments to participating candidates who contend with large amounts of outside spending by super PACs and political non-profits.
Legislative History
- H.R. 268: Grassroots Democracy Act of 2013 was introduced in the House by Rep. John Sarbanes (D-MD) on January 15, 2013.