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Running Interference: Election Security and the 2020 Vote (EVENT POSTPONED)

What defenses are in place to ensure the integrity of the vote? Can disinformation be minimized without compromising Americans’ free speech? And what should federal and state officials, tech companies, activists, and community groups do?

New York, NY
  • Lawrence Norden
  • ,
  • Jessica Brandt
  • ,
  • Kim Zetter
  • Daniel Kurtz-Phelan
Election Security

In an abundance of caution regarding the spread of Covid-19, the Brennan Center has cancelled this event and all events through March 27. We will make decisions regarding events currently scheduled beyond that at a later date, based on the latest information at that time.

We will reach out to you with information on the rescheduled date of this event when that information is available.

Produced in partnership with Foreign Affairs

6:00 p.m.: Doors open
6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m.: Program

American voters will head to the polls this year facing some of the same vulnerabilities they did in 2016. Misinformation — some of it unintentional and some malicious — continues to circulate publicly online, broadcast to mass audiences. The electronic systems on which Americans cast their ballots, meanwhile, are exposed to the risk of hacking. Russia and other adversarial states are poised to exploit these openings in order to sow chaos and foster distrust in the election; so too are nonstate groups both in the United States and overseas.

How has the outlook changed since 2016? What defenses are in place to ensure the integrity of the vote? Can disinformation be minimized without compromising Americans’ free speech? And what should federal and state officials, tech companies, activists, and community groups do? A distinguished panel discusses these challenges and steps that can be taken in the months leading up to November to ensure an election whose results Americans accept as legitimate.

The Brennan Center’s Lawrence Norden is a nationally recognized expert on election security and law. Tech reporter Kim Zetter has reported extensively on the technical vulnerabilities in U.S. voting infrastructure. Jessica Brandt of the German Marshall Fund’s Alliance for Securing Democracy offers a global perspective. They join Foreign Affairs executive editor Daniel Kurtz-Phelan.

Lawrence NordenDirector, Election Reform, Democracy, Brennan Center for Justice
Jessica Brandt, Head of Research and Policy, Alliance for Securing Democracy
Kim Zetter, journalist; author of Countdown to Zero Day: Stuxnet and the Launch of the World’s First Digital Weapon
Daniel Kurtz-PhelanExecutive Editor, Foreign Affairs

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