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The Fight to Vote

The Covid-19 pandemic has only intensified preexisting barriers to voting for millions of Americans. Carol Anderson and Theodore R. Johnson discuss how communities, activists, and organizations are leading the fight to protect the vote.

This is a virtual event
  • Dr. Carol Anderson
  • ,
  • Dr. Theodore Johnson
  • Karen Finney
The Fight to Vote

Experts warn that the Covid-19 pandemic will create barriers to voting for millions of Americans this November. But the public health crisis is hardly the only cause of this: intensified voter suppression efforts have been enacted over the past decade, creating impediments to the polls that often target communities of color. Moreover, the Supreme Court’s decision in Shelby County v. Holder weakened the protections of the Voting Rights Act, paving the way for states to purge voter rolls and establish discriminatory voter ID laws.

In this virtual conversation, Emory University professor Carol Anderson and Brennan Center Director of Programs Theodore Johnson will discuss how communities, activists, and organizations are leading the fight to protect the vote — and what’s at stake for American democracy. Political strategist and commentator Karen Finney will moderate.

This event is produced in partnership with New York University’s John Brademas Center and NYU Votes.


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