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Legislating in the Dynamic South

A new generation of elected officials discuss the present and future of Southern politics.

Montgomery, AL
  • Charlane Oliver
  • ,
  • Anthony Daniels
  • ,
  • Robert Stewart
  • ,
  • Joy Walters
  • ,
  • Kabir Karriem
  • Kareem Crayton
illustration of a legislative chamber

With its racially and economically diverse landscape and a growing population, the South is an actively changing region. But the politics of Southern states do not reflect that dynamism. Most Southern state legislatures are controlled by one-party supermajorities, and their members do not resemble the public they represent.

The status quo may not last, though. Newly elected legislators are tearing down barriers to effective policymaking and working to pass laws that respond to the changing electorate. It’s possible to imagine a totally different Southern political landscape just over the horizon, with competitive elections staffing governments that are responsive to the people.

Join us at the Montgomery Interpretive Center on Thursday, March 6, for an in-person panel conversation in which some of the South’s emerging lawmakers discuss the challenges and opportunities of their work.

Lunch will be provided following the program.

Produced in partnership with the National Center for the Study of Civil Rights and African-American Culture at Alabama State University


  • Charlane Oliver, Tennessee State Senator
  • Anthony Daniels, Alabama State Representative
  • Robert Stewart, Alabama State Senator
  • Joy Walters, Louisiana State Representative
  • Kabir Karriem, Mississippi State Representative
  • Moderator: Kareem Crayton, Vice President for Washington, DC, Brennan Center

Montgomery Interpretive Center of Selma to Montgomery National Historic Trail
1521 Harris Way
Montgomery, AL 36106