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Salon Series: Sisters in Hate with Author Seyward Darby

In conversation with Faiza Patel, Darby discusses the stories of three women who joined the white nationalist movement.

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  • Faiza Patel
  • Seyward Darby
Sisters in Hate

After the election of Donald Trump, journalist Seyward Darby went looking for the women of the so-called “alt-right” — really just white nationalism with a new label. The mainstream media depicted the alt-right as a bastion of angry white men, but was it? As women headlined resistance to the Trump administration’s bigotry and sexism, most notably at the Women’s Marches, Darby wanted to know why others were joining a movement espousing racism and anti-feminism. Who were these women, and what did their activism reveal about America’s past, present, and future?

Darby spoke to dozens of women across the country before settling on three subjects: Corinna Olsen, Ayla Stewart, and Lana Lokteff. Each was born in 1979 and became a white nationalist in the post-9/11 era. Their respective stories of radicalization upend much of what we assume about women, politics, and political extremism.

Join the NYU Brademas Center and Brennan Center for Justice for this discussion with Darby and Liberty and National Security Program Co-Director Faiza Patel. 


  • Seyward Darby, Editor in Chief, The Atavist Magazine; Author, Sisters in Hate: American Women on the Front Lines of White Nationalism
  • Moderator: Faiza Patel, Co-Director, Liberty and National Security Program, Brennan Center for Justice; Member, UN Human Rights Council’s Working Group on the Use of Mercenaries

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