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Periods Gone Public: Taking a Stand for Menstrual Equity

The first book to explore menstruation in the current cultural and political landscape and to investigate the new wave of period activism taking the world by storm.

Published: October 10, 2017

After millennia of being shrouded in taboo and stigma, periods have gone mainstream. A new, high-profile movement has emerged — one dedicated to bold activism, creative product innovation, and smart policy advocacy — to address the centrality of menstruation in relation to core issues of gender equality and equity. 

In Periods Gone Public, Jennifer Weiss-Wolf — the Brennan Center’s VP for Development — explores why periods have become a prominent political cause. From eliminating the “tampon tax,” to enacting new laws that ensure access to affordable, safe products, menstruation is no longer something to whisper about. Weiss-Wolf shares her firsthand account in the fight for “menstrual equity,” introducing the leaders, pioneers, and everyday people who are making change happen. And she challenges readers to face stigma head-on and elevate an agenda that recognizes both the power — and the absolute normalcy — of menstruation.