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False claims of fraud are driving attempts to interfere with the independent, nonpartisan counting of votes and certification of election results.

Defend Our Elections Defend Our Elections

Why It Matters

2020 provided Americans with an extraordinary lesson on the importance of election officials to our democracy. Amid a pandemic and a flood of disinformation about the election process, these state and local officials managed to run “the most secure election in American history.” It is no accident that now — in the face of the Big Lie that Donald Trump actually won — these officials are a prime target in the attempt to interfere with our elections.

Election officials are facing personal threats and harassment, and state legislatures are creating criminal penalties for normal activities like proactively sending out mail ballot applications. Further, campaigns for election official positions are making this “election denial” a central issue, whether by embracing or attacking it, and many of these normally low-profile races are seeing unprecedented levels of fundraising.

Most troubling, state legislatures have taken steps to strip election officials of the power to run and certify elections, consolidating power in their own hands over processes intended to be free of partisan or political interference. Everyone who believes in democracy must push back against these attempts to subvert fair elections


Safeguard Against Election Interference

State legislators, local administrators, and advocates must strengthen and clarify election processes, preempt disinformation, and enact stronger measures against intimidation.

Read more in our report How States Can Prevent Election Subversion in 2024 and Beyond.

Protect Election Officials

The federal government, state lawmakers, election administrators, and internet companies must act to keep election officials safe.

Read more in our Election Officials Under Attack report and recommendations.
