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Virginia: Protections Against Intimidation of Voters and Election Workers

This resource details state and federal laws protecting against the intimidation of voters and election workers and the disruption of the voting process.

Last Updated: October 25, 2024
Published: May 14, 2024
View the entire Laws Protecting Voters and Election Workers from Intimidation series

Voters in Virginia have the right to vote free from intimidation under federal and state law.footnote1_bkLnC45n64oZunuFq7sBnz1dSQisxR2izdwRbctbE0_qrZHQDvB9Mkn1 See, e.g., 18 U.S.C. §§ 594, 241; 52 U.S.C. § 10101(b); Va. Code § 24.2–1005. Federal law broadly prohibits intimidation, threats, or coercion throughout every stage of the election process;footnote1_BcvQOOIKUXGeKEH7W3g5AHuRr5JgRTq49Ewq0BIsDU_wvVDikE53UIt1 See U.S. Department of Justice, Voting Rights Fact Sheet (Sept. 2024), (summarizing federal laws that protect against intimidation). more information on the federal protections that apply to all states can be found here. In addition, the following actions are specifically prohibited by Virginia law:

The information below addresses the laws that serve as guardrails against specific threats of intimidation.

Challenges to Voter Eligibility at the Polls

In Virginia, a voter may be challenged by another qualified voter or by an election official.footnote13_b8Njv8vtSVQzPkYRBYsPTzzCwnUqAGFb3bn8xbLjyzo_qDpJL4yHHWor13 Va. Code § 24.2–651. However, state law also provides for some guardrails. For example, a challenge must be completed on a signed written form that expressly states that the challenger is subject to penalties for hindering, intimidating, or interfering with a voter.footnote14_b8Njv8vtSVQzPkYRBYsPTzzCwnUqAGFb3bn8xbLjyzo_ycbSaUI2HVX914 Va. Code § 24.2–651. A challenged voter who signs a statement affirming eligibility can vote a regular ballot unless the pollbook indicates that the voter has already cast a ballot in person (in which case the voter would vote provisionally).footnote15_xnoYb4vdEchzidxvMqQTpANHWS49IK0eOJTz9s6O84_uaAQLKW4L2ZP15 Va. Code §§ 24.2–651, 24.2–651.1.

The National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) provides additional safeguards to protect voters from mass challenges before an election:

The Brennan Center published a detailed resource on the limits on voter eligibility challenges in Virginia here.

Intimidation of Poll Workers and Election Officials

In addition to federal protections against the intimidation of election workers, Virginia law prohibits intentional intimidation, threats, or coercion to hinder or prevent election officials and their employees from administering an election, and attempts thereof.footnote18_vuOCuxAsHEbgOE4GGZbkA9Jaok9ST-vbSO5iyoTpOwo_hMGVl1IFyGmg18 Va. Code § 24.2–1000. Other general criminal laws also apply and prohibit some of the kinds of intimidating conduct that election officials have confronted in recent years, including, for example, picketing at a person’s residence in a manner that disrupts or threatens to disrupt an individual’s right to tranquility at home.footnote19_h9uXaJpzUs9g9gQ2iczbnwR07XzDdffYHIqzCkgkxos_go70n8FE6t9j19 Va. Code § 18.2–419.

Voter Intimidation by Poll Workers

Federal and state prohibitions on intimidation apply equally to poll workers. Virginia has many additional guardrails in place to stop poll workers from disrupting election processes. These limitations include but are not limited to:

Intimidation by Poll Watchers

In Virginia, the official term for a poll watcher or observer is “authorized representative.” State law limits who may serve as an observer and what observers may do:

Election officials may remove any observer who does not adhere to the applicable guidelines.

Law Enforcement

Election officials, with the consent of the local chief law enforcement officer, may designate a law enforcement officer to be present at a polling place to preserve order inside and outside.footnote36_-M8RNuppKNMI7pOBY6TWxYgvq2ZCT5aSwUwtEvZYjrQ_v5KQiLFxKayE36 Va. Code § 24.2–606.

Guns at Polling Places

Virginia prohibits the knowing possession of any firearm within 40 feet of any building, or part thereof, used as a polling place, with exceptions for law enforcement.footnote37_JCB1fsGAhiiQ25f7paF5PF79JFv1CyyCkQ2Gnd1bQM4_sg0QhaSgFRoO37 Va. Code § 24.2–604(A), (F). Therefore, the presence of any such firearm in or around a polling place should be treated as intimidation. Virginia also prohibits firearm possession in government buildings,footnote38_VqlzUpgS4mfTUTjBEZLFZ3SLev2Q1Y78Rz7lz5HWNJ4_oapRjWzXMfIa38 Va. Code § 18.2–283.2(B). which are commonly used as drop-box locations and vote-counting sites. Additionally, it is a crime in Virginia to point, hold, or brandish a firearm with the intent to intimidate any person or in a manner that reasonably induces fear in another.footnote39_oORYLksbkiYsRq6ys87wurpM5Vhf3ujOMGIpFvWxUzw_sS5qLuja6FHy39 Va. Code §§ 18.2–433.2(A)(3), 18.2–282(A).

Even at locations where firearms are not prohibited, firearm carry may constitute unlawful intimidation. Such conduct may consist of carrying a visible firearm while near a polling location or at a drop box or vote-counting site, displaying a concealed firearm during a discussion or argument with a voter or election worker, or approaching a voter or election worker while displaying a firearm.

Door-to-Door Intimidation

Both state and federal law prohibit canvassing efforts that are used to intimidate voters.footnote40_zTRTY001cNHWscMMkUkMyGSNeimDc1PUe8ZCwCc-hrc_wdEaSSunCgcS40 18 U.S.C. §§ 594, 241; Va. Code § 24.2–1005. Any voter who receives a visit from a privately organized canvassing group does not have to answer any questions and should report any incidents of intimidation to their local officials.

End Notes